Diablo 4 – Latest Patch 1.0.3 Bringing Updates to Gameplay

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Just recently, a new game patch was released for Diablo 4 across all platforms.


Patch 1.0.3 – build #42677 – was introduced with tons of in-game elements changed to presumably balance gameplay and difficulty aspects for all players.


You’ll find many updates being made to solve in-game bugs or glitches, but a majority of them comes from balance changes implemented for all character classes.


Here’s a quick look at some of the relevant details shared about Patch 1.0.3:


Patch 1.0.3 (Build 42677) Notes


Bug fixes


  • Dungeons, Events, etc.
    • Players can now fight with the Dead Man’s Dredge (Dungeon) Boss as intended.
    • The event, Those Who Call the Storm, can now be registered as completed accordingly.
    • Enemies don’t spawn behind the sealed door in the Cultist Refuge (Dungeon) anymore.
    • Players can no longer be attacked during a Stronghold completion cut scene.
    • The game will not crash anymore once players enter the Untamed Thicket (Dungeon) while doing the Fangs of Corruption


  • General Gameplay
    • Two (2) Unique armours, the Insatiable Fury, and Mad Wolf’s Glee, will not prevent the Druid from transforming into a Werebear or Werewolf anymore.
    • Player can now properly return to Cerrigar using the portal, if prompted around the Cerrigar or Cerrigar Outskirts sub-areas.
    • The Necromancer’s Skeleton Warrior upgrade that increases Thorns damage has now been fixed.
    • Rogue players will not remain invisible indefinitely anymore after using the skill, Concealment, in Fields of Hatred (PvP).
    • The Sorcerer’s Paragon power, Burning Instinct, now calculates Base Critical Damage as intended.


  • Local Co-Op
    • All players’ quest progresses will now update properly.
    • All players can now preview slots for item upgrades as intended.
    • Enemy Life bars are now consistent/ the same for all players in the party.
    • In-game Store buttons are no longer locked for Player 2.
    • Remaining players’ mounts will no longer freeze if a player leaves the party.


And many more pertaining to Quests, UI, Experience Rewards, and Miscellaneous.


Balance Changes


  • Barbarian Skills


  • Lunging Strike
    • Damage is increased from 30% to 33%
    • Fury generated is now 10 instead of 9


  • Bash
    • Fury generated is now 11 instead of 10
    • Enhanced Bash’s Fortify is improved to 20% from 10%


  • Frenzy
    • Damage is increased from 20% to 22%


  • Flay
    • Bleed Damage is increased from 36% to 40%
    • Fury generated is now 10 instead of 9
    • Enhanced Flay’s Vulnerable chance is now at 15% instead of 10%


  • Double Swing
    • Damage is increased from 36% to 40%



  • Druid Skills


  • Earthspike
    • Damage is increased from 16% to 17%
    • Spirit generated is now 11 instead of 10
    • Fierce Earthspike’s Fortify is improved from 4% to 8%


  • Wind Shear
    • Damage is increased from 17% to 18%
    • Spirit generated is now 13 instead of 12


  • Claw
    • Damage is increased from 20% to 22%
    • Spirit generated is now 11 instead of 10
    • Wild Claw’s Double Attack chance is now at 15% instead of 10%
    • Fierce Claw’s Damage is increased from 10% to 15%


  • Maul
    • Damage is increased from 20% to 22%
    • Spirit generated is now 15 instead of 14
    • Enhanced Maul’s Fortify is improved from 2% to 3%


  • Lightning Storm
    • Enhanced Lightning Storm’s duration is lengthened from 4 seconds to 6 seconds
    • Primal Lightning Storm’s Immobilise chance is now at 12% instead of 8%



  • Necromancer Skills


  • Reap
    • Damage is increased from 12% to 13%
    • Acolyte Reap’s cooldown is shortened from 5 seconds to 4 seconds


  • Decompose
    • Damage is increased from 30% to 33%
    • Essence generated per second is now 8 instead of 7
    • Corpses formed are now quicker at 2 seconds instead of 2.5 seconds


  • Haemorrhage
    • Damage is increased from 25% to 27%
    • Essence generated is now 9 instead of 8


  • Bone Splinters
    • Damage is increased from 8% to 9%
    • Essence generated is now 7 instead of 6


  • Sever
    • Damage is increased from 63% to 66%
    • Enhanced Sever’s Return Damage is increased from 25% to 40%



  • Rogue Skills


  • Invigorating Strike
    • Damage is increased from 23% to 25%


  • Blade Shift
    • Damage is increased from 15% to 16%


  • Heart-seeker
    • Damage is increased from 22% to 24%
    • Primary Heart-seeker’s Damage is increased from 30% to 75%


  • Forceful Arrow
    • Damage is increased from 20% to 22%


  • Barrage
    • Damage is increased from 20% to 22%



  • Sorcerer Skills


  • Spark
    • Damage is increased from 8% to 10%
    • Enhanced Spark’s Damage is increased from 5.6% to 7%
    • Flickering Spark’s chance is now at 4% instead of 3%


  • Frost Bolt
    • Damage is increased from 35% to 38%


  • Fire Bolt
    • Burning Damage is increased from 40% to 44%


  • Charged Bolt
    • Damage is increased from 28% to 30%


  • Incinerate
    • Damage is increased from 49% to 54%
    • Enhanced Incinerate’s Damage is increased from 15% to 25%
    • Greater Incinerate’s Immobilise cooldown is reduced to 3 seconds instead of 4 seconds



As you can see, there are a lot of changes that have been made to the game, to ensure the best possible experience for everyone.


In fact, every class receives plenty of buffs to their skills, meaning you’ll be much more powerful from here on out!


If you wish to have a more comprehensive read of the patch, you can visit the official forums here.


Always remember to buy extra Diablo 4 Gold at U7Buy, though, to ensure that you’re ready to take on the legions of Hell!


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